
Review Article

Contemporary American stupidity

James F Welles*

Published: 18 May, 2020 | Volume 4 - Issue 1 | Pages: 009-022

The American character is filled with contradictions and paradoxes [1], so it is understandable that, being susceptible to the imperfections, weakness and evils afflicting all peoples [2], it features its share and many types of injustices and stupidity.

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  25. op. cit. 193.
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  28. op. cit. 342.
  29. Johnson G. “The Suppliant” Quoted on page 294 of Hecht. op. cit.
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  54. Stern S. Remembering Pinochet’s Chile. 2006. Duke University Press; Durham, NC. 22. In addition, U.S. supported operatives in South America put the worst totalitarian regimes to shame with their kidnaping, torturing and murdering of political (i.e., leftist) opponents. (Hancock. 316.) 2006.
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  56. Hayter W. In The Cold War edited by E. Luard. London. 1964.
  57. Hayward S. op. cit. 284. The lesson learned re: Munich was remisapplied by 43 when rationalizing the totally unjustified invasion of Iraq in 2003–to eliminate the alleged threat Saddam Hussein did not pose to the USA. (Eichenwald. 497.)
  58. Clarke R. Your Government Failed You. HarperCollins; New York. 2008; 142.
  59. op. cit. 8.
  60. op. cit. 426.
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  63. Engel J. George H. W. Bush in The Presidents by B. Lamb, S. Swain, and C-Span. Public Affairs; New York. 2019. p. 244. The fall of the wall was an incredible error. An East-German spokesman read the wrong announcement on TV, giving people the impression they could cross over to the West. The guards at the wall decided not to mow down their compatriots, so the wall came down.
  64. Scahill, J. Dirty Wars. Nation Books; New York. 193. 2013.
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  67. Johnson H. Sleepwalking Through History. Anchor; NY. 1991; 177-178.
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  72. Hayward S. op. cit. 340. (Close paraphrase.)
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  81. Read R. Is there still a role for the state? (Mr. Read was running for European Parliament, and his comment had global implications.)
  82. op cit. 2008; 512.
  83. op. cit. 141.
  84. Brown L. "State of the World" (World watch's 11th annual report). Quoted in "World may be at biological limit as growth in food supplies slows". Associated Press. (Sun-Sentinel. Fort Lauderdale, FL..) 1994; 10.
  85. op. cit. 52.
  86. Erlich P. The Population Bomb. Ballantine; New York. Chap. 1. Pimental, D. May, 1994. Natural resources and an optimum human population. Population and Environment. 1968.
  87. Tomlin E. Novelty is the chief aim in art. In Duncan and M. WestonSmith. op. cit. 236. Of course, novelty is one possible aim in art. There are others. 1979.
  88. Russell G. The Lydian Chromatic Concept of tonal Organization for Improvisation. 27. 1959.
  89. Lukach J. Hilla Rebay: In Search of the Sprit in Art. George Braziller; New York. p. 144. (As an absolute aside, the first of the “Non-objectors” reveled in Platonic forms–circles and triangles–as cultural ideals.) 1984.
  90. Taylor J. Paved With Good Intentions. Carroll & Graf; New York. 1992.
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  92. Lindsey R. School Integration Looks More Than Ever Like a Lost Horizon. The New York Times. 1980.
  93. Bovard J. Lost Rights. St. Martin’s Press; New York. 133. 1994.
  94. op. cit. 95.
  95. Gitlin T. The Sixties: Years of Hope, Days of Rage. Bantam; New York. 431. 1987.
  96. Reeves R. Black Americans real foreigners because of school dropouts. Universal Press; Kansas City, MO. (Specifically, this syndicated article appeared on this date in the Sun-Sentinel, Fort Lauderdale, Florida. 14A.) 1984.
  97. op. cit. 227.
  99. Rangel C. Quoted in "A summary of views as summit begins". USA Today. Jan. 6, 1994. 6A.
  100. op. cit. 228.
  101. Scruton R. Fools, Frauds and Firebrands. Bloomsbury; New York. 2015. 221.
  102. XCV, #7, 104. Tests: How Good? How Fair? Feb. 18, 1980.
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  104. Jacoby S. 2008/2018. The Age of American Unreason. Pantheon; New York. 30.
  105. Kissinger H. The White House Years. Little, Brown; Boston, MA. 1979.
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  107. op. cit. 383.
  108. Haygood W. Showdown. Knopf; New York. 2015. 5.
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  113. Robertson L. The Miami Herald. 1D. 1984.
  114. The New York Times. Incompetence in Police. Sept. 14, 1984.
  115. op. cit. p. 228.
  116. Jensen M. NBC Nightly News. 1994.
  117. Bradley Jus J. United States v. Singleton. 109 U.S. 3. Oct. 15, 1883. California Regents v. Bakke. 1978. 117. Pitkin. op. cit. 272.

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